Italian design sofas for elegant domestic spaces

Gervasoni sofas for luxury home

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Gervasoni sofas and armchairs reflect a universe of increasingly versatile styles and spaces arising from original and diverse situations and atmospheres, both engaging and fascinating. Tradition and modernity, comfort and dynamism, elegance and immediacy, are just some of the demands from those who design, decorate and live in collective spaces. A challenge that Gervasoni welcomes through the strength of their experience, value of their quality, and the eclecticism of their collection.

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The Italian Kitchen

  • Design Kitchen
  • Modern Kitchen
  • Contemporary Kitchen
  • Rustic Kitchen


  • Chairs and Stools
  • Sofas and Benches
  • Tables and Consoles
  • Outdoor Furniture

Home Office

  • Modern Office Furniture
  • Designer Office Furniture

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